When SIBO Meets Gastritis

When gastritis meets SIBO…

In our intestinal tract, including our stomach, we have a mucosal layer there, that acts as a protective barrier against harmful pathogens, and specifically in the stomach it protects the lining from the damaging effects of your stomach acid.

When for some reason this mucosal lining has been damaged or impaired, the stomach acid can cause damage, inflammation, and irritation to the lining and cause pain or upset.

Some common signs of gastritis are:
➕Pain or discomfort right after eating
➕Feeling unusually full earlier than normal
➕Upper gastric pain underneath the sternum area
➕Bloating, overall abdominal discomfort
➕Nausea, vomiting
➕Loss of appetite

Some common causes for gastritis are:
➕H Pylori overgrowth (upcoming post)
➕Use of certain medications, such as NSAIDS
➕Bile reflux
➕Excessive alcohol intake
➕Auto- immunity and more

Often in practice, I will see gastritis and discomfort along with SIBO. It gets tricky because things that help with gastritis can also bloom intestinal bacteria.

It’s important to work for someone who understands the intricacies and the balance of this dynamic.

If you are suffering from stubborn gastritis and SIBO, and feel frustrated about what to do and how to proceed, I invite you to book a SIBO Strategy Call with me. As partners we will create a customized, personalized approach for your unique body.