Understanding SIBO, IMO & SIFO

Stop guessing, start feeling better today!

Did you know?

The intestinal tract is made up of a complex matrix and co-habitation of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. And normally they would be in balance and peacefully co-existing to help you have a robust immune response, digest food and absorb nutrients, not to mention create their own vitamins (Bs), assist with hormone production and communication with our brain & central nervous system. But when they are out of balance and there are "bullies on the playground", you may start to see symptoms like bloating, gas, irregularity, brain fog, body aches, mood imbalances, illness, and on and on. 

You can do all the things from the conventional medicine approach - take the antibiotics, eat the restricted diets, take OTC medications, and hope for the best, but these are just quick fixes. They occasionally give you some temporary symptom relief but do not address the root cause of the overgrowth or dysbiosis. 

When addressing complex, chronic conditions, it's important to look at YOU & your entire unique being - mind, body, and soul. And just putting a "Band-aid" on the problem is not going to get you to the place you want to be in the long run. NOT addressing gut microbiome imbalances may lead to downstream ailments and other more detrimental health issues, such as leaky gut, autoimmunity, chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia, liver and gallbladder dysfunction, cardiovascular risk, mood and central nervous system dysregulation, brain fog & impaired cognitive function, and more!

YOU are here now because intuitively you know this.

I don’t have to tell you… digestive issues are the worst. Bloating, gas, and unpredictable trips to the bathroom cause anxiety, lead to isolation, and affect your work, relationships, and self-image. Feeling like you don't fit in your clothes, shying away from intimacy, avoiding travel & adventure...it's all part of what I call the dysfunctional gut life. And friend, I've been there- I was miserable for YEARS. It took its toll on my marriage, kept me playing small in my career, and dampened my creativity. I was a shell of who I knew I could be and I desperately wanted out of the downward spiral.  

After years of going down rabbit holes, chasing blind hope & spending SO much money, and playing whack-a-mole, I'd had it! That was the spark that led me to figure this dang thing out –and I did it. I’m a rebel and questioner by nature, and I always give my clients the REAL TALK when it comes to overcoming their chronic dis-ease.

The TOP 3 Overgrowths in the Gut

In practice, I see SIBO, IMO, and SIFO…and often all 3 at the same time. Could you have SIBO and other co-infections like candida overgrowth keeping you stuck? Remember that a round of rifaximin from your MD may help you get short-term relief from bacterial overgrowth, but if you also have a fungal overgrowth like mold exposure or candida, or an impaired MMC keeping you constipated, you’ll likely continue to have symptoms or a relapse.

I invite you to watch this short video -Understanding SIBO, IMO & SIFO. Up until now, this was only available to my VIP clients and now it’s my free gift to YOU to help you on your self-healing journey.

First step: Watch the video, and then be sure to catch the NEXT STEPS below.

Next Steps…

Now that you’ve watched this short intro to the TOP 3 common gut overgrowths, let’s follow up with a comprehensive SIBO Quiz to see if some of these signs & symptoms resonate with you. Remember, everyone is unique. You may have SIBO or any combination of pathogenic overgrowths at any given time — I see this a lot. It’s quite common in my practice and a custom approach is KEY to overcoming any type or combination of chronic gut dysbiosis.

Before starting any protocol, new diet, or supplement, it’s important to get a clearer picture of your health history AND your current symptoms. Whether you are new to the SIBO scene or have been around conventional medicine prescriptions for a while, taking my quiz will help you get a better sense of what to do next.

If you didn’t already know this about me, I do not subscribe to the one-size-fits-all idea to SIBO and love to educate others about what’s going on in their gut.

Be your BEST health advocate, begin here and start feeling more empowered!