Eat Your Rainbow

Eating your rainbow!

I talk about this a lot. When we cut out and avoid highly processed foods, walk around the perimeter of the grocery store for the REAL food, we can take advantage of ALL the colors -- natural colors.⁣

Mother nature is so wise in her design. When we eat a variety of colors every day, we ensure that we are getting a higher number of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. We need ample nutrients for our cells to function optimally-- giving us energy, stamina, better sleep, improved mood, increased libido, health skin & hair... not to mention a more diverse microbiome and stronger immune system. ⁣

Remember to include colorful foods with each meal, have your kiddos count the colors at dinner time & encourage them to try new foods each week. Walk the perimeter, grow your own produce, purchase from local organic farmers, your body will thank you.

PS. I offer local grocery store tours as one of my many services.

Jen Yundt Coles