This month we’re talking ROOT CAUSES!
A Possible Root Cause for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth?
V*ral Load
Could this be a root cause for you?
When my clients are healing their bodies & optimizing their gut health, they are also kind of “stirring the pot”, to see what is hiding out in their intestinal biofilm.
➕As I mentioned in a recent post on parasites, scientists have looked at biofilm and found bacteria, fungi like candida, mold and parasites inside this complex matrix*.
➕What I didn’t talk about in that previous post is v*ruses. For example, we do know that Epstein-Barr V*rus has been found in oral biofilms.** I have seen clients who have had what we call dormant EBV infections suddenly “resurface” as they work on improving their gut health by way of addressing biofilms.
I have also seen their blisters.
Heard their reports of achiness.
Itchy rashes that flare up on their skin.
But every individual is different.
➕This can be scary for some people & also why it is important to partner with a qualified health professional...
because otherwise, you might start to believe that you are getting worse when things like that happen... when you could actually be making progress at “opening” your biofilm and you may end up abandoning ship too soon!
Or miss out on the biofilm work altogether and only see short-term results.
➕This is why I now work with clients for at least 6 months. Your personal health journey will always be unique, and sometimes it’s important to seek out guidance in order to create a comprehensive plan for your wonderfully individual picture.
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