Love Yourself More

To all my lovelies for self-love Monday!

🖤Truth be told, I'm one of those women who hate the whole commercial holiday - the flowers, chocolates and cards. To me, it's all boring and meaningless when it's "required". LOL.
Plus, I know how to buy myself flowers.

🖤Don't get me wrong, I'm a romantic and love to be in love. I enjoy gifts for no reason and spending time with people I admire, respect and feel deeply connected to.

🖤As someone who has been on a healing journey for many years, and as a health coach, I see firsthand how important love, connection and feeling appreciated & seen can help with healing.

🖤You can eat all the right foods, exercise every day, go on vacation twice a year and do ALL the things... but if you're feeling alone, disconnected and without community, you will likely continue to suffer and experience physical symptoms, depression, anxiety, etc. (this can be found in scientific literature!)

🖤If you're with your loved ones today, be grateful and soak it all up. And if you're alone today, know that you are loved. Consider reaching out to someone else who is alone today (or any day!) and start a new connection, conversation, give someone a hug (self-love)

🖤Share a little of yourself with them and have them do the same. When we share our stories (self-love), we are buoyed up and feel lighter, we feel heard and we feel a little bit more wonderful. Give this gift to someone & to yourself today. xo

Image free: comotomo inc

Jen Yundt Coles